mizuchi kore

Digital Artist and Character Designer

My name is mizuchi kore and I'm a Digital Artist and Character Artist from Poland. I started doing art since 2019 and still going :D
My art style can be considered a variation of western anime mixed with some cartoon influences.I picked up character designing as a hobby and for purpose of making my comic, Magic Academia.

Social Medias

You can contact me via these social medias in order to commission me.

Terms of Service

You, as a client, accept this policy by commissioning me. Not reading this policy doesn’t suspend you from this Terms of Service in any form. This Terms of Service are to assure you that I’m not a scammer and that I’m an actual seller of goods in the form of art and to meet you with my commission rules.
Drawings as Property
1. Drawings that I made are my intellectual property and only mine.
2. Any kind of appropriation of property will result in appearing in a blacklist.
2. Commissions bought from me, are for personal use, not for commercial use, unless the client ordered and/or specified it is for commercial use and both parties agreed to it.
Wills and won'ts
1. I won't draw the following:
- Furry
- Anthro
- Extreme NSFW (nudity, sex scenes etc)
- Extreme Gore
- Mecha
2. I will draw:
- Shirtless/suggestive artworks
- Non-human features (wings, tails, gills etc)
- Complex character designs
Prices & payment
1. Prices are given in the commission sheet. There are no secret fees hidden in. After we settle on type of commission, I will give a total price. Commission sheet is for the client to double check the total.
2. I accept offers outside of my commission sheet (meme art, doodles, sketches etc). If I do so, please keep in mind that I work for 10 USD/h and will provide an estimate.
3. If the client has insufficient funds, I can deny the order.
4. The client can’t pay me in ranks on servers, percentage and in installments unless agreed upon by both parties. Any kind of that offer will be denied.
5. I only accept payment via PayPal invoices.
6. Any payment made via PayPal.me, Ko-Fi etc outside of commissions are considered as donations and won't be refunded even upon request
7. I take payment upfront (before I start working).
8. Refunds only accepted if both parties agree. Refunding without Artist's knowledge will result in appearing on Blacklist.
9. Commissions for commercial use will be charged for base*3.
10. Commissions for commercial use, i.e. the Client will use the commissioned piece for personal gains, are when:
10.1. The commissioned piece is used on merch
10.2. The commissioned piece is used during live streams
10.3. The commissioned piece is used for advertisement
10.4. The commissioned piece is used, for example, a book or album cover
10.5. The Artist can deem anything as commercial use even if it's not in the list above
Commission process
1. After we settle on the type of commission, payment was sent, I will start working on it as soon as possible.
2. During the process, I will contact the client a few times during major steps.
3. When I message the client with the major step and they wish for a major change, they are entitled to it for free for only first major change. Next major changes will require additional $5. Minor changes such as color change, line width and other easily editable features are charge free. Ask the the Artist if it's major or a minor change
4. Client also has the right to ask about the progress but only if I don’t respond with anything after a 2 weeks period.
5. When finished, I will send the client a link to a Google Drive link with ZIP file that contains:
5.1. Text file informing about the insides of the ZIP file (README file)
5.2. PSD file
5.3. The actual commissioned piece (png)
5.4. Rest
1. If the client won’t receive their order after paying in the period of 1 month, they are entitled to a full refund. The only exemptions are when:
1.1. Artist is still in touch with you and sends you updates.
1.2. Artist gave a notice of their long-term absence.
2. Any chargebacks/refunds made via Stripe without Artists permission will result in appearing on a blacklist.
3. If the client wishes to refund money for a piece that is still in progress, they will only receive a percentage of the settled price. The percentage will vary depending on how far Artist is in progress.